We would like to introduce you to two of Gilead House’s behind-the-scenes leaders, Michelle Parsley and Mike Schalich. Both Board members have made major contributions to Gilead House’s past and present success. After many years of service to Gilead House through their influential work on the Board of Directors, and in countless other capacities (some that I’m sure they weren’t expecting), their terms are both coming to an end. We wanted to take this opportunity to honor both of them, to give you a glimpse of the work that they have been doing, and to say a very special thank you!
First, meet Michelle! Michelle has been involved with Gilead House for almost a decade! She was originally on staff as a Family Advocate. In that role, she worked closely with the moms to help them create a plan for their future and an understanding of the steps they could take toward those goals. When the time came for her to step away from her staff role, she knew that she wanted to stay involved. This led her to seven very productive years on the Board of Directors. During her time on the Board, she has held many roles, including Chairperson of the Events, HR, and Governance Committees, and Vice President of the Board of Directors. Michelle led us to much success with our fundraising events, including her favorite event: Mothers Matter.
When asked why she cares about the mission of Gilead House, this is what she shared:
“I care about the GH mission for a couple of reasons. One, because my faith calls me to serve those in need. Second, I was raised by an amazing single mom. If it had not been for my mom's determination, my grandparents and our church community, my family would have needed a place like GH. Gilead House brings Hope to moms and kids that have run out of hope. “
Michelle, on behalf of past and current moms, staff, board members, donors and volunteers, thank you! You have impacted the lives of so many, and we are endlessly grateful for your selfless generosity.
Now, meet Mike! Mike has served on the Board of Directors for almost six years. During his tenure on the board, Mike served as the Chairperson of the Facilities Committee. Mike spent countless hours working on projects at our main house as well as our apartments, sometimes overseeing construction projects. On many days, Mike could be found at one of our properties acting as “the man of the house” where he would be working on a long “honey-do” list. Over the years, he played the role of handy-man, locksmith, painter, furniture mover, and dump-run master, just to list a few.
When asked why he cares about the mission of Gilead House, this is what he shared:
“Gilead House provides a service that's not a hand-out but a “hand-up”. This is what is needed to help get our mothers back on their feet and become confident and productive people in our society.”
Thank you, Mike. Your kindness and willingness to do anything and everything for our families has been outstanding and truly inspirational.
We are so happy to be able to share Michelle and Mike’s story as the work they do behind-the-scenes is so representative of the selflessness of the Gilead House community. Through the hard work, dedication, and support of people like Michele, Mike, and the many other volunteers who work tirelessly for our families, Gilead House truly is a place of Hope,
Click here if you would like to give a gift in honor of Michelle and Mike.